Produktgröße: 332 mm (Länge) x 212 mm (Breite) x 8 mm (Höhe)
Aktive Fläche: 10 x 6 Zoll
Stift: batterieloser passiver Stift
Stiftdruck: 8192
Datenmelderate: 250 pps (Punkte/Sekunde)
Lesehöhe: 10 mm
Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit: 10 ms
Ultradünnes Design: Sehr praktisch und tragbar.
Ultragroßer, 10×6 Zoll großer aktiver Zeichenbereich. Dies bietet Ihnen eine empfindlichere Plattform und mehr Platz, um Ihre Kreativität und Ihr Talent zu zeigen.
Ultradünn und leicht: Die Dicke beträgt nur 9 mm und das geringe Gewicht von 570 g ermöglicht einfachen Transport.
Die Tablet-Oberfläche fühlt sich wie Papier an
Four customizable touch keys & gesture touch pad
Four touch keys provide the perfect touch experience. The functions can be customized according to your demand.
Unique gesture pad for zoom in/out the canvas and brush, which inncrease convenience and painting efficiency.
Slide right: brush zoom in; Slide left: brush zoom out; Slide up:canvas zoom in; Slide down: canvas zoom out
Battery-free passive pen,NO NEED TO CHARGE, This allows for uninterrupted draw and play.
It provides at most 8192 level pressure sensitivity, RESPONSIVE, accurate and quick response. The pressure sensitivity also can be adjusted according to the usage habits.
The two buttons functions can be switched between pen/eraser and the mouse.
Resolution: 5080LPI Read rate: 250pps
Plug and play using Type C USB interface port
The TYPE C USB port allow plug in and out with either direction which is more convenient.
More stable data processing.
Drivers are compatible with Mac and Windows OS.
It works with various drawing softwares such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop CC, SAI, Illustrator, 3D Max, Autodesk Sketchbook, Corel Painter,Autodesk MAYA, Pixologic, ZBrush etc.
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